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As her big sister I've known Stacey since she was born. To be honest that was not exactly my favorite time...after all nobody thought to ask my opinion about having another baby! There is one story I enjoy telling people when they first get to know us ~ and Stacey's reply that shows just how onery she could be!! When I was about 3 (and Stacey was 2) I finally figured out how to resolve the sister problem: flush her down the toilet! My first problem was getting her into the bowl ~ even at 2 she could be scrappy! After much cajoling and at least some threats I finally managed to get her to stand there while I flushed, and flushed...Ok, well if I could just convince her to stand on her head I JUST KNEW she would go down. That was about the time our mother caught us. She rescued Stacey...but I just knew that if I could just get her to stand on her head! If Stacey was there when I told this story she would shake her head, call me a bitch and then tell her favorite ending:

Not too long before we had been to the doctor and learned how to 'give a sample'...the next time DJ asked for a drink~I gave her a sample!

My own sister....made me drink PEE!!!


I met Stacey when Brycetin and my daughter Sierra were in Headstart together. We talked every now and then, but not too often as we were both busy with our lives. When my son was born, I took him into the Headstart class and Brycetin came over and hugged him. The teacher was wise enough to snap a picture of that wonderful moment and it's a picture that our family treasures. Not long after my son was born, we found out he had medical issues and life became a whirlwind of doctor's appointments and hospital stays. Whenever Stacey saw us, she made sure to stop and ask how we were doing, if there was anything she could do to help, and she ALWAYS gave us a smile and some encouragement. Stacey and I kept in touch and would always talk whenever we saw each other, usually at Walmart, and we would talk about Brycetin and how happy he was to be a big brother and she always asked about my kids (by name even). Brycetin's death was a shock to us and left a big hole in our hearts (who couldn't help but love Brycetin?) and I admired how well Stacey held up during the funeral. We had brought some pictures of Brycetin for her, in case she didn't have them, including the one with him and my 5 day old son, which made her break out in this huge smile. Stacey will always be missed, as will Brycetin, but her legacy of kindness, strength, courage, and advocacy will live on for a long time.
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